
How to wear professional clothes with authority and affinity

If you pay attention to the senior management of a large company, they are very well dressed. "White bone essence" people will put on elegant make-up, wear fine texture undershirts, exquisite small suits, you can see the smart and capable. Savor carefully, and feel gentle and intellectual. What they are wearing may not be a famous brand, but it gives people the feeling of spirit and easygoing. In fact, people are visual animals, your appearance is directly related to the impression of colleagues on you, but also related to your positioning in the workplace, so it is very important!
[focus on seasonal fashion elements]
The office is not a fashionable place, but if you don't dress well, it will give you the feeling that you can't keep up with the times. So as a workplace beauty, you must not ignore the small changes of fashion.
[three pieces of essential professional costume]
Slim suit, pencil pants / skirt and pointed shoes, with these three artifact, you can definitely set up your smart and capable image, no matter how you build it, you will not make mistakes. Of course, it's better to be conservative in color. Apart from a bright one, the rest are black, white and gray.
[good at adding femininity]
It's not wise to have to fight with others in the workplace. The best way is to use their own gender advantages to seek help and cooperation, everyone is really good! So in the smart overall shape, but also to add some women's gentle style. Scarves, jewelry and high-heeled shoes are the items that make women's characteristics more prominent.
[pay attention to simple style]
If you want to leave behind the impression that you are not muddled, you will not be able to dress too much in addition to your usual work done on time. Simple classic, can let people who do not directly contact you feel your style of doing things, why not try it?
[say goodbye to temptation]
Although there should be a woman's side in the workplace, it's definitely not ambiguous! So you should avoid all tempting clothes, such as low chest, bare back and thigh, unless you want your colleagues to pay attention to your good body rather than your ability.
[office standing high heels]
You can wear flat heels on the way to the company, but you must have a pair of stilettos in the office. If some important customers come to make trouble one day, or if the boss wants to take you to an important activity, you can wear more high-profile clothes, and you can win attention and give full play to your professional ability. It's not clear that many women wear high-heeled shoes when they go to work, but when they get to the office, they change their flat heels. Who can I show you on the way? Everyone is so nervous at work.
[try soft colors]
Soft colors can give people a sense of intimacy. The most important thing in work is the coordination and cooperation between teams and people. Wearing soft colors can make people closer. Why not?
[pay attention to the tidiness of hair]
If you have beautiful long hair, but also pay attention to its cleanliness. Properly put them together, comb a bun or something can also avoid hair flying in the office, causing cleaning aunt trouble. More consideration for others is the key to win a good reputation in the workplace.