
Definition of professional wear

Professional dress design is a proper term of modern dress separated from "modern dress design".
In developed countries, the rapid development of professional wear, its appearance has gradually emerged from the "big clothing system" separated into a relatively independent "uniform" clothing subsystem. In addition, the professional clothing system is more and more showing the clothing value system and theoretical research system with its own characteristics and different from other clothing categories in research, development, design, production, sales and use. There are specialized research institutions, universities, departments, expositions (such as Cologne, Germany), design centers (such as NUC "Japanese uniform center"), institutes, offices, and specialized shops and companies.
It is not a long time for modern professional wear to appear and be used in China. Probably from modern times, foreign ideas and materials have changed the Chinese people's concept and way of dressing to a great extent. For example, "what to do and what to wear" is the basic concept of modern professional dress. But this does not mean that there is no history and concept of "professional clothing" in China. For example, the military clothing in ancient China and the official clothing of various dynasties are the standard "professional clothing". In this sense, the emergence and use of professional clothing in China has a long history, but people do not specifically name this kind of clothing "professional clothing".
In the United States and English speaking countries, the word uniform can be interpreted as the word professional wear. Uni is a kind of unified meaning, and form is the meaning of form. It means "the same shape" and is interpreted as a uniform and uniform.
As a definition, in the modern society, there are government agencies, schools, companies and other groups, as well as students, stewardesses, pilots, pilots, police officers, doctors and nurses, shop assistants and other positions. Or in order to distinguish from the clothes with special appearance that do not belong to these groups, or to express their respective identities, according to the characteristic "type" of each occupation, we can give us "this" or "these" uniforms, that is, the feeling of a certain occupation. We can define whether the clothes with this feeling belong to the scope of professional clothes.